Personal Web Space

Personal Web Folders - WEBDAV

Each MGA Faculty, Staff, and Student is provided with space, upon request, to create a web site. With the right tools and a little know-how, you can have a web page up in no time. Follow the steps outlined below to begin building your web pages.

  1. Account Creation: Contact Kelly Jones in ESM at (478) 757-2635 or Doug Smalley in ESM at (478) 471-2421 and request to create your account.
  2. Brush up on your HTML with the tutorial "Getting Started with HTML". More HTML tutorials can be found by searching Google.
  3. Aquire the tools to build your web pages such as SharePoint Designer (Free download from Microsoft), Dreamweaver (Must be purchased by your department), or Notepad++ (Free Online Download). Be aware that Microsoft Word is poor choice for webpage editing.
  4. Publish your site:
    Download an SFTP Client. This software will enable you to move your web pages from your computer to the server where people can view them. Instructions for accessing your web folder: Anyone can view your new Web pages using by going to these URLs:
    • or
    • or

Your first page should be named index.html.

Review policy regarding appropriate use of MGA computer resources

Please note that neither the TAC nor Technology Support provides training for web page development. If you are using this space for class projects/assignments, please contact your instructor for assitance.

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Date added:
2011-06-22 07:45:44
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